Thursday, April 21, 2011

            During this time blogging I have learned a lot. I learned that I can actually blog and can do it very well. To me there was not really any challenging times. Most of the things on there were common sense to me. This is not unusual because I learn quick on anything that has to do with a computer. I am glad that we got to blog instead of reading literature books and all that other boring stuff.
        Writing about teen pregnancy was a hard thing but also fun at the same time. Personally, I not being a teen parent made it a little hard because I cannot relate to those teens who are teen parents or who want to be. All I could do was state my opinion and back it up from facts and other opinions from other sites and people. I still enjoyed it though. I really hope that I got to some students about teen pregnancy and maybe helped click something in there head that it’s not cool at all to be pregnant.
        I learned a lot about teen pregnancy. I didn’t know that it is the top people why girls drop out of high school. I guess I could have figured that because they probably don’t have time to do school work when they have a newborn to take care of. And having to wake up early in the mornings to feed the baby, change diaper etc. Can make it even harder. I know some girls can probably do it, that’s if they have help maybe. I also learned that 3 in 10 girls will get pregnant before they are 20 years old. When I read that fact I figured to myself that most girls don’t know that. I also thought that it was really true most teens probably never heard that fact before. One other thing that I also learned was that nearly 250,000 teens are predicted to get pregnant this year alone! That is a lot of teens to get pregnant in one year. I used that fact on my blogs simply because people might not have known that.
        I have had a really good time blogging for the past couple months. But this will be my last blog I will be posting. Unless I have another teacher that wants there students to blog, I will not be posting again anytime soon. I really enjoyed blogging and I really hope my readers enjoyed the things I have blogged about. So this is my good-bye. Thanks readers !

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Random Facts on Teen Pregnancies!

          I know that most of my blogs have been the same and some of the information that I have posted have been the same. So in this blog I want to just state out random facts about teen pregnancy that I have not stated,  that most people don’t know, and have never heard of before.

          Random Fact #1- 3 in 10 girls will get pregnant at least once before they are 20 years old. That is just crazy. 3 in 10 girls! That’s about 745,000 teen pregnancies in one year. That number needs to be lowered. I don’t know how or who is going to help lower the number but we all need to think or something.
Random Fact #2- Teen pregnancies are one of the top reasons why girls drop out of school. Less than half teen parents graduate from high school and only about 2% graduate from college and earn their degree by the time they are 30. I mean the gradation number is already low so I can see why it is low since nearly half of teen parents drop out of high school.
Random Fact #3- statistics have shown that children born from teen mothers do worse in school than those born to parents of an older age. Children born from teen mothers also are 50% more likely to repeat a grade, are less likely to complete high school, and have lower performance on standardized tests. I never knew this fact before. But reading that fact I can tell that it is true. I am guessing that since teen mothers are most likely still not mature yet and don’t know that they are doing they just let the child roam freely and do whatever they want.
Random Fact #4- About ¼ of teen moms will have a second child within 24 months of birth of their first child. I think they reason for that is because they most likely don’t know that after you have a baby is when you are more fertile. I am a boy and I know that! Another reason I think is because they think that their first child needs a play mate or something.
          Those are the facts that I have found that I didn’t know and thought that readers wouldn’t know.


Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Teenage Preganancy Compare and Contrast !

Many things can cause a teenager to get pregnant. Social issues, poverty, and even gender roles. Depending on where the person lives that can effect them. Many people don’t think about it but a teen who gets pregant is less likely to attend college, not even that but they are less likely to graduate high school or even get a GED. When a non teen parent has a higher chance at graudating. The percent of teens graduating is about 72% to 75%. Says “
Being a teen parent can stop you from doing a lot of thinngs such as going to prom, walking across the stage to get your diploma, and even getting a job. Teen who are pregant or already have a baby are less likely and have to put off prom because of the prices of dresses etc. Also most companies don’t wont want to hire a teen mother because some think they already have enough responsibilities and can’t handle having a job. Then if your not a teen parent you can do all those things suchs as going to prom and finding a job.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

16 And Pregnant (Season 2) | Interview With Kayla

16 And Pregnant (Season 2) | Interview With Kayla

Interview With An Teen Mother !

                 I interview my cousin Ashley. She is now 32 but she had a baby when she was 16. So I asked her to share with my blog about the life of a teenage mother.
Q. How old were you when you got pregnant?
A. I was 16.
Q. What type of feelings did you get when you found out that you were pregnant at 16?
A. I got the feeling of nervousness and I was also scared. I didn’t know what I was going to do or how I was goin to support a child, I had no job and was still in high school.
Q. Did you ever think that you would get pregnant at 16?
A. No, I never thought that I would. I pictured myself being a normal teenager having a good life, going to prom, and even going away for college.
Q. Did you have any plans on how you would support your child?
A.  At the time I was not thinking about it. All I was thinking about was how am I going to tell my parents that I’m having a baby. But after all that I started thinking about it. But my plans were to just use the money that my boyfriend, at the time, gets from his job, then I would find a job after had the baby.
Q. What did your parents think when you told them?
A. My mother was super shocked. She couldn’t even think of any words to say to me. But then after a few minutes she talked to me and gave me some good advice. Then I told my dad and he almost blew a brain fuse  but then she was alright.
Q. Did you want to get pregnant?
A. At the time I didn’t even think about getting pregnant. That never even crossed my mind.
Q. Was the father supportive?
A. Surprisingly he was. He was there for me all through my pregnancy. He was excited about having a son and that’s what I ended up having.
Q.What was the fathers reaction?
A. When I told him that I was having a baby he was also scared. Saying things like what am I going to do? How am I going to support a kid? Then after a few days he was actually excited.
Q. What advice would you give teens today about getting pregnant?
A Wait!! Just wait til you are older and have a career. Don’t mess up your teenage years . Go to prom, enjoy your years of high school, and don’t let anyone or anything stop you.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Review of Teen Parents !

            Many people don’t realize that number of teen parents in the U.S. But the number of teen parents are simply on the rise. 250,000 teens are predicted to get pregnant this year alone! The number has not and probably will not go down. Ever since 2006 the number has just been going up and up, like the price of gas now. People need to realize this and put a stop to it. That number is just really crazy, that makes now sense at all. That many number of teens should not be getting pregnant.
             Many people have been doing things to try to lower the number of teen parents such as producing shows to show the life of a teen parent and having people talk to teens about how to not get pregant, and even why they shouldn’t get pregnant says “(Kathleen Kingsbury),2010 TIME MAGAZINE” She also says that  people blame movies such a Juno and Knocked Up. Which I agree with because both movies show the eay side of having a baby not the hard side. Such as in Juno. They show a girl who got pregnant and logn story short gave her baby up for adoption like it was nothing. In the movie Knocked Up. This girl gets pregnant by this random guy and ends up marrying him.
            So basically to me there is no high life in getting pregnant at a young age. I mean if it happens, it happens but don’t try to have a baby when you are still one.,8599,1815845,00.html

Review of Teen Parents !

            Many people don’t realize that number of teen parents in the U.S. But the number of teen parents are simply on the rise. 250,000 teens are predicted to get pregnant this year alone! The number has not and probably will not go down. Ever since 2006 the number has just been going up and up, like the price of gas now. People need to realize this and put a stop to it. That number is just really crazy, that makes now sense at all. That many number of teens should not be getting pregnant.
             Many people have been doing things to try to lower the number of teen parents such as producing shows to show the life of a teen parent and having people talk to teens about how to not get pregant, and even why they shouldn’t get pregnant says “Kathleen Kingsbury, TIME MAGAZINE” She also says that  people blame movies such a Juno and Knocked Up. Which I agree with because both movies show the eay side of having a baby not the hard side. Such as in Juno. They show a girl who got pregnant and logn story short gave her baby up for adoption like it was nothing. In the movie Knocked Up. This girl gets pregnant by this random guy and ends up marrying him.
            So basically to me there is no high life in getting pregnant at a young age. I mean if it happens, it happens but don’t try to have a baby when you are still one.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Facts About Teen Pregnancy !!

Many people don’t realize the numbers of teen pregnancies are on the rise. In 2006 was when the number of teen pregnancies rose in 15 years. That’s not cool at all. Also teens that get pregnant and have a baby have only a one third chance of getting a high school diploma, and only 1.5% earns a college degree by the age of 30. I can believe that quote because most of the time when teens get pregnant they have know choice but to drop out of high school to deliver and even watch there baby. Unless they have a babysitter. But on average the teen is going to be out of school for about 4-6 weeks but to recover from the baby, depending on if you had a c-section or not.

Having a baby does not just affect the parents but it affects the baby also. Girls born to teen mother have a high chance of becoming a teen mother herself. Boys born to teen mothers have a high chance of being in prison. Neither one of those statistics are cool. 8/10 girls and 6/10 boys wished that they were older to have sex. That goes to show that having sex and having a baby is not so cool at all. 8 out of every 10 girls wish they have waited to have sex, that’s a lot! I guess people don’t realize the conqusences of having a baby at a young age.

I’m hoping that after reading these facts and statistics that it really would open the eyes to these teens out here and maybe get them to wait on having a kid.

-Good or not?  

Thursday, February 24, 2011

How To Not Get Pregant!

There are many ways to not get pregnant. One way is by using contraceptives like condoms and birth control. I think that teens shouldn’t even have to think about way to not get pregnant besides by not having sex at all. That’s what I think. What teens should be worried about are things such as school and many even a part time job.        
There are many websites and even people that talk about way to not get pregnant and how to use things such as birth control, condoms and all that good stuff. Most teens these days don’t like to talk to there parents about sex and having babies. This is fine in someways unless they have no clue at all about these things. It is very helpful to some people to have this talk with there parents so they can just know what’s going on.
There are a lot of ways to not get pregnant. Ways such as not having sex, using condoms, and or birth control. But I think that people should just restrain from having sex until the time is right. This is not at 15 or 16.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Teen Pregnancy And The World!

As I have said in my previous blogs, the teen pregnancy rate in the U.S is really crazy. I really think that these shows such as Teen Mom and 16 and Pregnant really have a affect on the number of teen getting pregnant in the U.S and not in a positive way. Many people think that its a positive show and it shows how hard teens have it when they get pregnant. In away it does but then we have those teens out here who are not that bright and want to have a baby just so they can “live the life” of the people they see on television. When in fact they are just going to be like any other teen out here who have babies at a young age and struggle like them too.
A couple weeks ago there was a conflict with Kim Kardashian and a mother on Teen Mom. I posted on my blog one of the things Kim posted. She said It seems that shows like Teen Mom are all of a sudden making teen pregnancy seem cool in the eyes of young girls...but girls, these are not people you should idolize” ( I think that kim is right about that one. These are not people to idolize. I mean it is a good show and I do watch the show but in away I think it makes some of these teens want to have a kid at 16 or 17.
I think older people who have had a baby at the age of 16 or 17 should be the ones to talk to these teens. Not people who are the exact same age as these girls. I just think that it would be better for the teens out here to see someone who had a baby and struggled for a long time and then got back on there feet, and not show girls who are the same age and get paid almost $250,000 per Teen Mom episode. In my opinion thats what should happen.

        -Is that good or not?

Monday, February 7, 2011

Pregnant Teens And Affects On The World.

        The number of pregnant teens in the U.S is on the rise. Many people blame the parents of the pregant teens or shows that show the life of being a teen parent, such as Teen Mom or 16 and Pregnant. I think that people my age think that its cool to have a baby. Or they are thinking that “oh maybe if I get pregant he will stay with me and things will get back to the way they used to be.” When in fact it’s a higher chance that the boy is going to leave you. I know that for a fact.
The U.S has the highest teen pregnancy rate. Twice as high as Canada or England. That is not okay at all. “we predict that 750,000 teens will become pregant this year” says That is a lot of teens, that’s about 1-3 girls in the U.S alone will get pregant before they are twenty. Something needs to be done about that number. It needs to be smaller. There is no reason in the world at all that girls should be getting pregant like that. Simply just WRAP IT UP! That number is ridiculous.
People say many things need to be done about the number of teen parents. But there is actaully nothing anyone can really do but talk about it.
Teens are going to do what they want to do when they want to do it. But I think if someone was to give a teen a real baby for about a week, just to show them how are life is when you have a baby would be great. Instead of making shows that show how it is, how about we get a teen to live it for a week or so.

                Is that good or not?

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Teen Pregancy!

Welcome, Thanks for choosing me blog. I really think that the number of teen parents in the U.S is really crazy. There are so many teen parents, that they made show and have different teen parents on there every year. It really interests me that there people think that they can bring a baby into this world and they don’t have a job or any type of income at all to support the baby. Most of them, well all of them live with their PARENTS.
The number of teen parents also interest some celebrities such a Kim Kardashian. She posted on her blog “It seems that shows like Teen Mom are all of a sudden making teen pregnancy seem cool in the eyes of young girls...but girls, these are not people you should idolize!' she wrote. “Read more:
Many people know about the number of teen pregnancies in the U.S. But it seems like the “bigger” are making it seem like its cool to have babies when actually it’s not. I think that people really need to talk to teens instead of showing them the “high life” of having a baby at such a young age.
By reading my blog I want my readers to learn about things that they might not know about, or do know about but not really a lot. I.e. teen parents, cars, U.S economy, or even the war on Iraq. I expect my readers to have their own opinion on my blogs because not everything I post, people are going to agree on. That’s what I expect from my readers on my blog.
