Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Interview With An Teen Mother !

                 I interview my cousin Ashley. She is now 32 but she had a baby when she was 16. So I asked her to share with my blog about the life of a teenage mother.
Q. How old were you when you got pregnant?
A. I was 16.
Q. What type of feelings did you get when you found out that you were pregnant at 16?
A. I got the feeling of nervousness and I was also scared. I didn’t know what I was going to do or how I was goin to support a child, I had no job and was still in high school.
Q. Did you ever think that you would get pregnant at 16?
A. No, I never thought that I would. I pictured myself being a normal teenager having a good life, going to prom, and even going away for college.
Q. Did you have any plans on how you would support your child?
A.  At the time I was not thinking about it. All I was thinking about was how am I going to tell my parents that I’m having a baby. But after all that I started thinking about it. But my plans were to just use the money that my boyfriend, at the time, gets from his job, then I would find a job after had the baby.
Q. What did your parents think when you told them?
A. My mother was super shocked. She couldn’t even think of any words to say to me. But then after a few minutes she talked to me and gave me some good advice. Then I told my dad and he almost blew a brain fuse  but then she was alright.
Q. Did you want to get pregnant?
A. At the time I didn’t even think about getting pregnant. That never even crossed my mind.
Q. Was the father supportive?
A. Surprisingly he was. He was there for me all through my pregnancy. He was excited about having a son and that’s what I ended up having.
Q.What was the fathers reaction?
A. When I told him that I was having a baby he was also scared. Saying things like what am I going to do? How am I going to support a kid? Then after a few days he was actually excited.
Q. What advice would you give teens today about getting pregnant?
A Wait!! Just wait til you are older and have a career. Don’t mess up your teenage years . Go to prom, enjoy your years of high school, and don’t let anyone or anything stop you.

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