Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Review of Teen Parents !

            Many people don’t realize that number of teen parents in the U.S. But the number of teen parents are simply on the rise. 250,000 teens are predicted to get pregnant this year alone! The number has not and probably will not go down. Ever since 2006 the number has just been going up and up, like the price of gas now. People need to realize this and put a stop to it. That number is just really crazy, that makes now sense at all. That many number of teens should not be getting pregnant.
             Many people have been doing things to try to lower the number of teen parents such as producing shows to show the life of a teen parent and having people talk to teens about how to not get pregant, and even why they shouldn’t get pregnant says “Kathleen Kingsbury, TIME MAGAZINE” She also says that  people blame movies such a Juno and Knocked Up. Which I agree with because both movies show the eay side of having a baby not the hard side. Such as in Juno. They show a girl who got pregnant and logn story short gave her baby up for adoption like it was nothing. In the movie Knocked Up. This girl gets pregnant by this random guy and ends up marrying him.
            So basically to me there is no high life in getting pregnant at a young age. I mean if it happens, it happens but don’t try to have a baby when you are still one.

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