Monday, February 7, 2011

Pregnant Teens And Affects On The World.

        The number of pregnant teens in the U.S is on the rise. Many people blame the parents of the pregant teens or shows that show the life of being a teen parent, such as Teen Mom or 16 and Pregnant. I think that people my age think that its cool to have a baby. Or they are thinking that “oh maybe if I get pregant he will stay with me and things will get back to the way they used to be.” When in fact it’s a higher chance that the boy is going to leave you. I know that for a fact.
The U.S has the highest teen pregnancy rate. Twice as high as Canada or England. That is not okay at all. “we predict that 750,000 teens will become pregant this year” says That is a lot of teens, that’s about 1-3 girls in the U.S alone will get pregant before they are twenty. Something needs to be done about that number. It needs to be smaller. There is no reason in the world at all that girls should be getting pregant like that. Simply just WRAP IT UP! That number is ridiculous.
People say many things need to be done about the number of teen parents. But there is actaully nothing anyone can really do but talk about it.
Teens are going to do what they want to do when they want to do it. But I think if someone was to give a teen a real baby for about a week, just to show them how are life is when you have a baby would be great. Instead of making shows that show how it is, how about we get a teen to live it for a week or so.

                Is that good or not?

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