Thursday, April 21, 2011

            During this time blogging I have learned a lot. I learned that I can actually blog and can do it very well. To me there was not really any challenging times. Most of the things on there were common sense to me. This is not unusual because I learn quick on anything that has to do with a computer. I am glad that we got to blog instead of reading literature books and all that other boring stuff.
        Writing about teen pregnancy was a hard thing but also fun at the same time. Personally, I not being a teen parent made it a little hard because I cannot relate to those teens who are teen parents or who want to be. All I could do was state my opinion and back it up from facts and other opinions from other sites and people. I still enjoyed it though. I really hope that I got to some students about teen pregnancy and maybe helped click something in there head that it’s not cool at all to be pregnant.
        I learned a lot about teen pregnancy. I didn’t know that it is the top people why girls drop out of high school. I guess I could have figured that because they probably don’t have time to do school work when they have a newborn to take care of. And having to wake up early in the mornings to feed the baby, change diaper etc. Can make it even harder. I know some girls can probably do it, that’s if they have help maybe. I also learned that 3 in 10 girls will get pregnant before they are 20 years old. When I read that fact I figured to myself that most girls don’t know that. I also thought that it was really true most teens probably never heard that fact before. One other thing that I also learned was that nearly 250,000 teens are predicted to get pregnant this year alone! That is a lot of teens to get pregnant in one year. I used that fact on my blogs simply because people might not have known that.
        I have had a really good time blogging for the past couple months. But this will be my last blog I will be posting. Unless I have another teacher that wants there students to blog, I will not be posting again anytime soon. I really enjoyed blogging and I really hope my readers enjoyed the things I have blogged about. So this is my good-bye. Thanks readers !

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Random Facts on Teen Pregnancies!

          I know that most of my blogs have been the same and some of the information that I have posted have been the same. So in this blog I want to just state out random facts about teen pregnancy that I have not stated,  that most people don’t know, and have never heard of before.

          Random Fact #1- 3 in 10 girls will get pregnant at least once before they are 20 years old. That is just crazy. 3 in 10 girls! That’s about 745,000 teen pregnancies in one year. That number needs to be lowered. I don’t know how or who is going to help lower the number but we all need to think or something.
Random Fact #2- Teen pregnancies are one of the top reasons why girls drop out of school. Less than half teen parents graduate from high school and only about 2% graduate from college and earn their degree by the time they are 30. I mean the gradation number is already low so I can see why it is low since nearly half of teen parents drop out of high school.
Random Fact #3- statistics have shown that children born from teen mothers do worse in school than those born to parents of an older age. Children born from teen mothers also are 50% more likely to repeat a grade, are less likely to complete high school, and have lower performance on standardized tests. I never knew this fact before. But reading that fact I can tell that it is true. I am guessing that since teen mothers are most likely still not mature yet and don’t know that they are doing they just let the child roam freely and do whatever they want.
Random Fact #4- About ¼ of teen moms will have a second child within 24 months of birth of their first child. I think they reason for that is because they most likely don’t know that after you have a baby is when you are more fertile. I am a boy and I know that! Another reason I think is because they think that their first child needs a play mate or something.
          Those are the facts that I have found that I didn’t know and thought that readers wouldn’t know.
